We all know that a Playroom does not look like this, but for showing prepress we pick up the room. This is how all parents would love to see a playroom. A after shoot will be added soon so you guys can see the reality.
We added shadow boxes for our old book collection.
Also display our kids art by using colorful laundry hooks and first letter of their name bought at Michaels.
We always take home the art that our kids do at fairs so they can be display at home.
A playroom needs to be colorful and inviting in order for kids to sit down and enjoy. We need a better organizing tool for the storage which I will add a photo soon. New rule at home for every toy that comes in two have to go. Let's see if that works, since the space is very small. Most of the items we had already had so the expenses went mainly to the carpet and paint. Even if its a small space it can had expenses to the budget. Make sure to make a list of things that you want to have in your own playroom to not go over your budget. I hope you guys enjoy the pictures.
Renovation Cost $503
Ceilling Fan
Shadow boxes